Last week was pretty traumatic for my youngest, as he participated in his first VBS... and pretty must despised every moment of it. Odd, since he sang along to the music whenever I played it in the car and knew most of the hand motions to the songs. Anyway, by Wednesday morning, one of the volunteers had to literally peel him off of me when I dropped him off. I told him (by way of bribery and out of sheer desperation) that if he could go the rest of the morning without crying, we'd go to Wendy's afterwards for lunch (little did he know that I'd already planned to take them for Frosties). His siblings were excited to learn that because Mr. B handled the rest of the morning okay, they could have lunch there (French fries!), as well as Frosties. :) Late that day, we took L to 4-H camp with the assurance that we'd make sure he didn't miss any special F foods.
I let the kids try Fig Newtons on Thursday. I've never been a huge fan, and Mr. B didn't care for his first taste, but E loved them. After setting aside two for L, we took the package to our friends' house to share during a play date. When B saw how all the other kids were enjoying the Fig Newtons (actually, they were Fig Newmans - the Newman's Own version), he decided they were okay, after all.
The kids snacked on fresh fruit Friday (L even had plenty of that at camp, he said), and we saved the new recipe for Saturday night so L could be there with us. We made Family Friendly Fondue. It was great! Sadly, I was the only one who loved it. We had bread, red peppers, carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower to dip in it. E had a decent amount, but said it wasn't her favorite food in the world. L preferred to dip his veggies in ranch dip, and B just ate the bread and carrots. Ho-hum. At least he's trying a few new things this summer!
*For those new to my blog, check out the beginnings of ABC Summers here.*
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