So, it all got even crazier this week! In a matter of two and a half work days, three men (with over 80 years experience among them) packed up all of our belongings. Tonight, I tucked in our children for the last time in this house, which was very bittersweet. It will be eleven nights of sleeping at a combo of grandparents' house, aunt & uncle's house, and hotels before they get to sleep in their own beds again in our new home over 1800 miles away.
As last Friday was the 4th of July, I counted "July 4th parade candy" as our J treat. That's how lazy I've become during this crazy transition period.
We took the weekend off, had a great time with family and friends, and for a J "food" we all enjoy, we had... Wait for it... juice on Monday. That's right. Trop 50 is a fave with all three kiddos, and I didn't have time to find something fancier. We did not try a new food or a recipe that started with J.
On Tuesday we lunched at Jimmy Johns on the way to my boys' last haircuts before the move. Okay, I realize that means we had two J treats and not much else...
I didn't do much with K either since the packers were here and we are down to the bare bones in our fridge and pantry. I did purchase kale chips, because the kids have liked it when I've made homemade kale chips in the past. However, none of us were a fan of these store-bought chips, which (of course), were not cheap. I also grabbed a kiwi for the kids to try, though I'm pretty sure L has had them before. E loved it and B acted as if I were attempting to poison him. He did get one tiny piece in his mouth and washed it down with a big swig of milk.
For my final act of major laziness this week, I convinced a couple friends and their children to join us at KFC for lunch today. Due to my oldest's decision to stop eating chicken last year (when we acquired backyard chickens as his 4-H project) and the fact that KFC no longer offers Chicken Bites (which were still blatantly displayed on their menu), this lunch was an epic fail. L got two slices of pizza at the neighboring Fazoli's (definitely not a K food), and B ate two biscuits. Pathetic. At least E liked her chicken tenders and I devoured a couple of Chicken Littles and a side of green beans (I hadn't eaten anything all morning at that point). And since two fast-food stops aren't quite enough for us, I ran through McDonald's to get B some chicken nuggets on the way home. Mother of the Year, I know.
Tomorrow afternoon, I deliver my children to my in-laws' farm. They'll get to spend the next week playing with lots of cousins that they won't get to see again until next July. I will have absolutely no control over what they eat while they're gone. But, chances are they'll have lemonade and possibly pizza from a local joint called LB's. Maybe next week I'll post what I would have done if we were settled in a home with a fully stocked kitchen. ;) I will be joining them on the farm Wednesday, so I may get a few M items on the menu before we take off for the long trip on Friday.
As for myself, I'll be scrounging around trying to finish off the random items left in our fridge and freezer the next couple days (last night's dinner consisted of cottage cheese and leftover coleslaw... both with almonds mixed in for a little crunchy protein). :)
*For those new to my blog, check out the beginnings of ABC Summers here.*
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