This will be the last post of a lone letter (X, Y, and Z get to share a post). Wishing summer would last forever, but... it won't.
W Places/Activities in the Pac NW:
* Waffle Window (Portland)
* Wahclella Falls (on the gorge near the Bonneville Dam)
* Wallace Falls State Park (NE of Seattle)
* Washington Square Mall (arguably one of the best malls in the area)
* Washougal River (countless areas to swim, tube, and play)
* Watchman Peak Trail (Crater Lake)
* Waterfront Park (Vancouver)
* Water Resource Education Center (Vancouver)
* Water Works Park (Vancouver)
* Weather Machine Sculpture (Pioneer Courthouse Square - weather is predicted here every day at noon)
* Westmoreland Park Nature Play Area (Portland)
* Whatcom Falls (Bellingham, WA)
* Whitaker Ponds Nature Park (Portland)
* White Pass Scenic Byway (Hwy 12 through the Cascade Mountains, WA)
* Wildflour Cafe (Washougal)
* Wildlife Safari (Winston, OR)
* Wildwood Recreation Site (Mt. Hood; best in August & September)
* Wild Waves Theme Park (Federal Way, WA)
* Willamette Mission State Park (Portland)
* Willamette National Forest (central Cascades, OR)
* Wings & Waves Waterpark (McMinnville, OR)
* Wintler Community Park (Vancouver)
* Woodburn Elementary playground (Camas)
* Woodland Park Zoo (Seattle)
* World Forestry Center (Portland)
* Wunderland Cinema & Nickel Arcade (Portland)
* other W restaurants
Other W things we'll be doing:
* watching out for others
* wandering
The original W is for... list includes places to go, things to do, foods to eat, Bible verses, and pics from my oldest's ABC photography summer. My daughter's photos can be viewed here.
The whole point of this blog is to give other parents fun ideas, so please pass this on to others! And encourage them to read the origin story of our ABC summers.
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