Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Going Green

As a follow up to my "G" post, just wanted to share how I had success with my New Year's resolution last year. Now, I am not normally into resolutions. I typically feel that if there is something I want to stop doing/eating/drinking, start or improve, any day is a good day to change. But I had decided to try to get as many chemicals and toxins out of our home as possible, and I thought that might take almost a year. So I resolved to change to all non-toxic, environmentally friendly cleaning products by the end of 2012.

I started by making a list (big surprise, I know...) of the cleaning products I used. Then I planned to research (i.e. Google) comparable products that were healthier for our family and our planet. I figured it would take multiple purchases to find products that I thought worked as well as my "normal" ones. That's why I gave myself a year to get everything squared away.

It just so happens that some awesome friend or family member (who has yet to own up to it) gave me a subscription to Kiwi magazine in 2011. Kiwi is all about being natural and/or organic. One of the last issues that year had a list of the top three environmentally friendly (according to their research) cleaning products in every category possible. I tore out the list and used it to begin replacing the standard products I'd been using. With the help of that list, I was able to bypass much of my planned googling and just see what was available at our local Target and HyVee.

I quickly found that I was not as impressed with Kiwi's suggestions for glass cleaners or toilet cleaners as they were. The glass cleaners left streaks and the toilet cleaners were difficult to rinse (green globs of it would stick under the rim of the toilet bowl despite my scrubbing efforts). Luckily, another great friend invited me to her Norwex party. I had not yet heard of Norwex and I was unable to attend her party, but she told me how much she loved their cloths for cleaning her mirrors and windows. I had her order me a set and I've never looked back. They are awesome!!! Later last year, I ordered the Norwex toilet cleaning system and I've been very happy with that, too.

Since I love lists so much, I'm just going to make a list for you of all the cleaning products I now use around our house. You may or may not agree with some of my choices, but I have been very pleased. I should note that I try to purchase everything fragrance free when possible. I just feel like that is the healthiest option for the family. However, I love the almond scent of all the Method wood cleaning products, and some others I cannot find fragrance free.

Kitchen products:
*surface cleaner (I use this to wipe down appliances and the insides of my refrigerator & microwave): Green Works glass & surface cleaner
*counter cleaner: Method All-Purpose Natural Surface Cleaner french lavender (this works great on my solid core counters, but not so well on appliances)
*dishwasher detergent: Seventh Generation Automatic Dishwasher Gel lemon
*dish soap: Seventh Generation Natural Dish Liquid free & clear

Floor product:
*Swiffer wet jet (but I don't use their spray anymore)
*hard surface cleaner: Method Wood for Good squirt & mop wood floor cleaner almond

Dusting products:
*Swiffer dusters or the Norwex dusting mitt
*Method Wood for Good wipes or spray polish almond (to clean my wood tables and the fronts of my cabinets)

Bathroom products:
*surface cleaner: Green Works glass & surface cleaner
*tub cleaner: Method Tub-n-Tile flushable cleaning wipes
*toilet cleaner: Norwex Sanira toilet brush system
*mirror cleaner (also works great for windows, computer screens, and the flat screen TV): Norwex Enviro cloth and Window cloth (wet the Enviro cloth & clean; then dry with the Window cloth for a streak-free finish)
*shower spray: homemade concoction of vodka and Thieves oil (I'm also into Young Living Essential Oils) in a spray bottle

Laundry products:
*laundry detergent: Seventh Generation Natural 2X Concentrated laundry detergent free & clear
*vinegar to remove any odors (I fill the liquid fabric softener space with vinegar for every load)
*dryer balls rather than fabric softeners (I just use the cheap ones from Target)

Disinfectant products:
*Method Antibac wipes lemon verbena (I use these to wipe-down light switches, door knobs, and cabinet/drawer pulls once a month)

*Mr. Clean Magic Erasers (these are just super-fine sandpaper - no chemicals)
*Bar Keepers Friend... This is the one cleaning product that I cannot seem to replace. It is a cleanser and polish that I use to clean my white sink and the grout in my shower. It is oxalic acid, but I found this blog about it and I decided it was "green" enough for me to keep using.

I also bought my husband the car care package from Norwex so he has his own cloths to use on the cars. :)

Since that all went so well last year, we decided as a family to make another big resolution this year. We are attempting to lower the sugar intake in our foods. I will not buy anything that has sugar listed as one of the first three ingredients (we already avoid high fructose corn syrup, concentrated juices, hydrogenated oils, saturated fats, milk with hormones, and anything with a bunch of stuff I can't pronounce or define). I'm going to attempt to replace white sugar in recipes with agave nectar, honey or applesauce. I am also trying to stop buying things with color additives (i.e. yellow 6, red 2, etc.) or with BHA or BHT (a preservative). I have to admit, though, that I cannot seem to give up my sugar-free Orbit gum, even though it does contain BHT. Don't get me wrong, I am not going to restrict my children to the point of causing them to go hog wild at their first opportunity. We still get popcorn and M&Ms at the movies, Happy Meals, and Lunchables on occasion. I just want to provide healthier food here at home where they eat the majority of their meals and snacks.

Hope your year is getting off to a great start now that we're well into February!

*For those new to my blog, check out the beginnings of ABC Summers here.*

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