Tuesday, January 15, 2013

E is for...

... endless entertainment! My daughter's name also starts with an E, so she is easy to please on E days. :) For those of you wondering how the potty training is going, I am excited to share that B has gone several days without accidents, is usually dry after his nap, and has been dry on a few mornings. Woo-hoo! Now for E...

Places to go that start with E:
*towns/cities in your area that start with E
*East Village (trendy little shopping area downtown)
*Easter Lake (beach and/or park)
*El Azteca restaurant
*El Rodeo (#45 on Des Moines' top 100 restaurants)
*eden (a sweet little soap and fragrance shop in the East Village)
*Eden Farms (I'd like to see if we can tour this local farm that raises acorn-fed Berkshire pork)
*Earl May Nursery and Garden Center (sometimes they even have free popcorn!)
*East Elementary's playground
*Easy Living Store (my children like to visit and hear about when I used to work there)
*England and/or Europe (like I said in the last post, why not dream big?)
*Ethan Allen Furniture
*parks that start with E (Ewing Park)

Things to do that begin with E:
*read books (The Ear Book, by Dr. Seuss, The Egyptian Cinderella, by Climo and Heller)
*card games like Eucher (which I have no idea how to play)
*look for eagles
*talk about body parts like ears, eyes, elbows, etc.
*dress up in earmuffs and evening gowns
*make echos
*practice writing the number 8 and the word eight (the most difficult numeric word for children to spell)
*have an impromptu Easter egg hunt (you'd be surprised how entertaining a bunch of empty plastic eggs can be - year round!)
*have a mock election to determine dinner one night
*paint elephants on the easel using colors like ecru, emerald, and eggplant
*draw an elipse or an equilateral triangle
*talk about ways to save energy and take care of our earth's environment
*investigate what the Iowa Energy basketball players do in the off-season
*drive by our old apartment on EP True Parkway
*listen to music (The Everly Brothers, Elton John, Eric Clapton, "Express Yourself," by Madonna, or "Everything Else Starts With E," by Justin Roberts)
*count evergreens in the neighborhood
*playdates with friends like Ean or Ella
*watch movies beginning with E (The Emperor's New Groove, E.T.)
*send emails to cousins (Emily, Elijah and Ezekiel)
*TV shows starting with E ("The Electric Company")
*exercise as a family
*visit the eye doctor (for an actual appointment or just to have fun trying on eyeglasses)

Foods that start with E:
Edy's ice cream
Eggo waffles (a staple in our home)
eggplant parmigiana
egg rolls
egg salad sandwiches
elephant ears (pastries)
English muffins
Eskimo Pies

Favorite "E" Bible verses:
"Don't use bad language. Say only what is good and helpful to those you are talking to, and what will give them a blessing." Ephesians 4:29
"The eye that mocks a father, that scorns obedience to a mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by vultures." Proverbs 30:17 (that's a fun one, right?)
"Work hard, but not just to please your masters when they are watching. As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart." Ephesians 6:6
"'Honor your father and mother.' This is the first of the ten commandments that ends with a promise. And this is the promise: If you honor your father and mother, 'you will live a long life, full of blessing.'" Ephesians 6:2-3

It was not as easy to find E's for our photography summer as I'd expected. The first and last of the photos below were parts of sculptures at the Jester Park natural playscape (that place was great for finding letters!). The middle one was more of a stretch... It is part of a bookend in our library that is shaped like a leaf. We had to zoom in pretty far to make it look like an E. :)

Hope you're enjoying the blog so far! As always, please send me comments if you have other ideas for me to add to a certain letter. And share my blog with friends! Soon to come: letter F.

*For those new to my blog, check out the beginnings of ABC Summers here.*

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