Thursday, July 25, 2013

Return to Pee Corner

This is completely unrelated to ABC summers... Sometimes I just feel a need to vent something that is too long to share on Facebook. Sorry moms (and dads?), but this is the perfect venue, so bear with me.

I've designated Thursdays as bathroom-cleaning-day in my house. As a result, I dread Thursday every week. It often seems that every other day is Thursday!

We have five toilets in our home. That is wonderful when we return from a long trip and all five of us need to use the bathroom immediately. It's about four toilets too many on Thursdays.

I can zip through most of our bathrooms pretty quickly. I love my Norwex cloths for the mirrors and shower doors. Easy-peasy. I use the Norwex toilet cleaning stuff, too. But... then I get to the dreaded boys' bathroom...

Keep in mind, my boys are almost 10 and nearly 3-1/2. My youngest still sits to go potty. My oldest also did this until he entered kindergarten and saw all the other boys standing. It was all downhill (or downstream?) from there. Every time I go to clean their toilet, it smells like pee. It's disgusting. It doesn't matter how hard I scrub the toilet, wipe down the outside of the bowl, or cleanse the surrounding floor, it smells strongly of pee.

My theory is that my oldest goes in to use the bathroom in the middle of the night (not every night, mind you, but enough to do pee damage). He doesn't turn on the light because it might wake his sleeping brother (they share a bathroom between their bedrooms). Now, I don't think he pees with his eyes closed, there is a nightlight in the room, and I've never found a puddle of pee on the floor near the toilet. However, I think it only takes a drip here or a drop there to cause that corner to stink. It seems to have seeped into the woodwork surrounding the area.

As I enter their bathroom to clean, the old Kenny Loggins song, "Return to Pooh Corner," enters my mind. Only with altered lyrics.

I am seriously considering the implementation of a "sit-only" rule while using toilets in our home. Until that takes effect, I'll be returning to Pee Corner every Thursday morning.

*For those new to my blog, check out the beginnings of ABC Summers here.*

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