Tuesday, July 30, 2013

V is for...

...Veronica, my beautiful niece. :) V is very vitalizing, but I'm no visionary, so this may be brief.

For those new to my blog, read the ABC summer story here.

Places to go that start with V:
*towns/cities (Vinton, anyone?) ;)
*Van Dee's Ice Cream Shoppe
*Village Inn
*Val Air Ballroom (there are concerts there regularly)
*Val Lanes Bowling Alley
*Valle Drive-In Theatre
*Valley Junction (great eclectic shopping neighborhood, also has a weekly farmer's market)
*Valley West Mall
*Varsity Theatre
*Village Park

Things to do that begin with V:
*play volleyball
*playdates with Veronica, Vera, Violet, or Vivian
*read Valentine's day books or The Very Hungry Caterpiller, The Very Busy Spider, and The Very Quiet Cricket
*watch videos like Valient
*look for Victorian houses
*find a vineyard and show your child(ren) how grapes are grown
*visit a veteran
*go to a visitor's center of your choosing
*take vitamins
*dance to "Vogue"
*listen to violin or viola music
*talk about VEISHA at ISU (look up what it means)
*wear vests, visors, or v-necks
*color pictures with vermilion or violet crayons

Foods that start with V:
vanilla wafers (or pudding, ice cream, etc.)
vegetable soup
(red) velvet cake
Vienna roll

Favorite V Bible verses:
"One who is faithful in very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in very little is a also dishonest in much." Luke 16:10
"The eye that mocks a father, that scorns obedience to a mother, will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley, will be eaten by vultures." Proverbs 30:17 (that's a fun one to read to the child with a bad attitude) ;)

During L's photography ABC summer, we found the two following V's. The first was the yarn from a craft he'd made and had hanging from a doorknob. The second was in the landscaping at Jester Park.

Four more letters to go! We'll be winding down with W next. 

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